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Page history last edited by Arthur Lortie 14 years ago



Page created by Arthur L. Lortie, 08/28/2008

Last edited: 09/04/2010

Please send corrections and additions to me at alortie4@aol.com


Syndicate: New York Herald-Tribune

Daily: September 27, 1948 to September 16, 1961

Sunday: March 20, 1949 to September 10, 1961



Mike Roy 09/27/1948 - 1950

John Spranger 1951-1959

Bob Lubbers 1959 (4 months)

Doug Wildey 1960 - 1961


Art Assistants

Pete Morisi (inks)

John Belfi 1949 - 1950

Jack Davis (inks) 1950



Leslie Charteris 1948 - 1962

Harry Harrison (some)


A promotional strip was created by artist Lew Sayre Schwartz in 1948 from a Leslie Charteris script.


Story Guide


09/27/1948 - 10/04/1948 New York


10/05/1948 - 01/19/1949 Beauty Scam

 * Adapted as a third of Le Saint exige la Tête by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1965)


01/20/1949 - 03/17/1949 Nassau Treasure

 * Reprinted in The Saint [USA: Avon] #9


03/18/1949 - 05/16/1949 Rex Martin

 * Adapted as a third of Le Saint exige la Tête by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1965)


05/17/1949 - 10/10/1949 Virus 13

 * Adapted into Le Saint découvre le Virus 13 by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1954)

 * Reprinted in The Saint [Avon] #9 (USA)


10/10/1949 - 12/19/1949 Rio

 * Adapted into Le Saint au Carnaval de Rio by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1955)


12/19/1949 - 12/31/1949, 01/09/1950 - 04/08/1950 Hell

 * Adapted as L'Enfer attend le Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1959)

 * Reprinted in The Saint [Avon] #2 (UK)??


04/10/1950 - 09/06/1950 Valdor

 * Adapted as Le Saint refuse une Couronne by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1954)


09/07/1950 - 12/29/1950 Arms

 * Adapted as Greta emballe le Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1958)

 * Reprinted in The Saint [Avon] no.2 (UK)???


12/30/1950 - 04/20/1951 Midnight

 * Adapted as a third of Vive le Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1958)


04/21/1951 - 07/27/1951 Plays with Fire

 * Adapted into Le Saint joue avec le feu by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1954)

 * Reprinted in The Saint [Avon] no.5 (UK)??


07/28/1951 - 10/13/1951 Dope


10/15/1951 - 01/05/1952 Good Hunting

 * Strip adapted into the TV script by the same name.


01/28/1952 - 06/07/1952 Triangle

 * Adapted as Le Saint contre le Triangle by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1955)

 * Reprinted as an The Saint [Australia: Gordon & Gotch] no. 9


06/28/1952 - 09/27/1952 Spectre

 * Adapted as Le Spectre du Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1958)

 * Reprinted as Super-Detective Library [UK] #1: Case of the Contraband People


09/29/1952 - 01/02/1953 Flying Saucer

 * Adapted into Le Saint voit une Soucoupe Volante by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1956).

 * Reprinted as Super-Detective Library [UK] #5: Great Flying Saucer Mystery


01/03/1953 - 03/04/1953 Honolulu

 * Reprinted as Super-Detective Library [UK] #33: Danger--the Saint at Work!


04/04/1953 - 07/18/1953 Without appeal

 * Adapted as Le Saint condamne sans appel by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1955)

 * Reprinted as Super-Detective Library [UK] #11: Menace of the Poison Pen


07/20/1953 - 09/26/1953 Nemo

 * Adapted as half of J'accuse le Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1957)


09/27/1953 - 01/24/1954 Antilla

 * Adapted as Le Saint chasse la Blonde by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1956)


01/25/1954 - 03/01/1954 Keys-Treasure

 * Reprinted in Super-Detective Library [UK] #59: The Saint's Sunken Gold


03/22/1954 - 05/16/1954 Contest

 * 03/22/1954 (Monday) to 05/02/1954 (Sunday) reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #1 (09/1988)
 * 05/03/1954 (Monday) to 05/16/1954 (Sunday) reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #2 (11/1988)

05/17/1954 - 08/07/1954 D.F. Jakes

 * Adapted as Le Saint choisit la Mort Duce by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1955)

 * 05/17/1954 (Monday) to 06/13/1954 (Sunday) reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #2 (11/1988)
 * 06/14/1954 (Monday) to 07/25/1954 (Sunday) reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #3 (01/1989)
 * 07/26/1954 (Monday) to 08/07/1954 (Saturday) reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #4 (05/1989)

08/09/1954 - 09/12/1954 Chinatown

 * Adapted as half of J'accuse le Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1957)

 * 08/09/1954 (Monday) to 09/12/1954 (Sunday) reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #4 (05/1989)

09/13/1954 - 11/07/1954 Uranium

 * 10/18/1954 to 11/07/1954 reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #5

 * 09/13/1954 (Monday) to 10/17/1954 (Sunday) reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #4 (05/1989)

11/08/1954 - 02/06/1955 Muscles


02/07/1955 - 05/08/1955 Valentine

 * Adapted as Le Saint suit la mode by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1957)

 * 02/07/1955 to 04/17/1955 reprinted in Private Eyes [USA: Eternity] #5


05/09/1955 - 07/17/1955 Dig (Goggles)

 * Adapted as a third of Le Saint exige la Tête by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1965)


07/18/1955 - 10/23/1955 HiFi

 * Adapted as Le Saint suit la mode by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1957)


10/24/1955 - 01/22/1956 Piracy (Part 1)

 * Adapted into Le Saint deviant Pirate by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1956)


01/23/1956 - 06/03/1956 Greta-Piracy (Part 2)

 * Adapted into Le Saint deviant Pirate by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1956)


06/07/1956 - 11/01/1956 Tag

 * Adapted as Premier Prix au Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1957)


11/01/1956 - 03/15/1957 Pilby

 * Adapted as Plus fort que le Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1958) and Bet on the Saint (unpublished)


03/16/1957 - 10/18/1957 Escoria

 * Adapted as Le Saint et le Tyran by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1959)


10/19/1957 - 03/19/1958 Gray Ghost

 * Adapted as Le Saint contre les Cagoules Grises by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1959)


03/20/1958 - 08/28/1958 Paris

 * Adapted as Le Saint à Paris by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1959)


08/29/1958 - 01/01/1959 Sorcelou

 * Adapted as Le Saint au Bois Dormant by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1961)


01/01/1959 - 07/17/1959 Brazil

 * Adapted as Sacrifions le Saint by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1960)


07/17/1959 - 01/07/1960 Nazi Loot

 * Adapted as The Saint in Pursuit


01/07/1960 - 04/20/1960 Gunrunners

 * Adapted as A L'eau, le Saint! by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1961)

 * Dutch edition (of comic strip): Hier Komt De Saint! (Issue 1, "De valsmunters van Vera Cruz", story continues in issues 2 and 3)


04/20/1960 - 07/10/1960 Duke (part 1)

 * Adapted as Le Saint au volant by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1961)

 * Dutch edition (of comic strip): Hier Komt De Saint! (Issue 4, "De graaf

van Cristamonte", story continues in issues 5 and 6)


07/11/1960 - 09/15/1960 Duke (part 2)

 * Adapted as Le Saint au volant by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1961)


09/15/1960 - 01/26/1961 Mexico

 * Adapted as Le Saint au Mexique by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1962)


01/27/1961 - 06/15/1961 African

 * Adapted as Le Saint en Afrique by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1963)


06/16/1961 - 09/16/1961 Art Robbers

 * Adapted as Le Saint retrouve Greta by Madeline Michel-Tyr (France: Fayard, 1963)




There are still some problems above.


We don't account for Lew Sayre Schwartz's promo story, nor all of the reprints, especially the authorized Gordon & Gotch in Australia and the US Private Eyes.


10/15/1951 - 01/05/1952 Good Hunting says "Strip adapted into the TV script by the same name" but I can't find an episode by that title.


09/07/1950 - 12/29/1950 Arms says "Reprinted in The Saint [Avon] no.2 (UK)", but that should either say "US" or have "Thorp and Porter" as the publisher since there isn't a 1:1 relationship between the US and UK numbering.


We also need the exact artist transition dates and the Harry Harrison attributions.


The titles come from Charteris' scripts but may differ in any referenced in the actual newspaper strips.


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